Fremtidige scenarioer for Internet

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IETF Journal Volume 9 Issue 1

The latest issue of the IETF Journal (Volume 9, Issue 1) is available online:
Among many others it contains articles on software-defined networking, WebRTC and the Networking History BoF.
In addition you will find summary reports of the IETF 86 meeting held in Orlando, regular columns submitted by the IETF, the IAB and the IRTF chairs, summaries of the plenary sessions, and articles on the fellowships to IETF and the Applied Networking Research Prize.
You can read this publication online or download the full issue in PDF format. You can also keep up to date with the latest issue by subscribing to the IETF Journal as an email edition or have it delivered to your postal address in hardcopy.
Many thanks to all our contributors. Please send any comments or suggestions for future issues to
Mat Ford
Managing Editor
IETF Journal

Stiftelsesmøte 20. juni 2013: Valgkomiteens innstilling

Valgkomiteens innstilling

De foreslåtte vedtekter for Norway Chapter av The Internet Society spesifiserer at styret skal bestå av 5 til 9 personer som velges for ett år. Styret konstituerer seg selv.

Valgkomiteen har bestått av interimstyret for ISOC Norway Chapter, ledet av Rolf Rander Næss.

Valgkomiteen innstiller følgende personer til styret for ISOC Norway Chapter:

  • Alf Hansen
  • Merete Asak
  • Haakon Bratsberg
  • Nils Kristian Einstabland
  • Salve J Nilsen
  • Steinar Grøtterød
  • Torgeir Waterhouse