
Bylaws for the Norway Chapter of the Internet Society

All proposed changes to these Chapter Bylaws shall have been approved by the Internet Society Membership Team before being presented to the Chapter membership for a vote.

Article 1: Name

  1. This organization shall be called the Norway Chapter of the Internet Society.

Article 2: Purpose

  1. The Norway Chapter of the Internet Society serves the Society’s purposes by serving the interests of a segment of the global Internet community through a local presence, focus on local issues and developments, and use of local languages.
  2. The ISOC Norway Chapter will serve persons who live or work in Norway.
  3. The ISOC Norway Chapter is chartered by the Internet Society. These bylaws neither supersede nor abrogate any of the Bylaws of the Internet Society that regulate chapter affairs.

Article 3: Membership

  1. All members of a chapter shall also be members of the Internet Society.
  2. All individuals and organizations falling within the defined scope of the chapter shall be eligible for membership without discrimination.
  3. The membership fee is set by the ISOC Norway Chapter’s Annual meeting.
  4. Student membership fee shall not exceed 75 percent of regular member dues.

Article 4: Annual Meeting

  1. The Annual meeting is the chapter’s highest authority.
  2. The Annual meeting elects the Board and votes on issues including:
    1. Any changes to the membership fee
    2. The GA shall not vote on the proposed budget but take a note of the proposed budget. This is in accordance with common accounting principles.
    3. Changes for the ISOC Norway Chapter bylaws
  3. The Board will be elected by a majority of votes.
  4. At the Annual meeting, the Board shall present:
    1. The annual report for ISOC Norway Chapter
    2. The annual accounting report for the previous calendar-year
  5. Notice of the place and time for the Annual meeting shall be distributed to all registered members at least six -6- weeks prior to the Annual meeting, by internet mail, information on the chapter’s webpage and relevant media.
    The Annual Meeting shall be held within the first quarter.
    Proposals to the Annual Meeting must be received by the Board at least four -4- weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
    The agenda for the Annual meeting shall be published at minimum two -2- weeks prior to the Annual meeting.

Article 5: Extraordinary Annual Meeting

  1. An extraordinary annual meeting shall be held if requested by 3 members of the Board or upon request by 1/3 of registered members.
  2. Notice of the extraordinary annual meeting shall be in accordance with Article 4.5

Article 6: The Board

  1. The Board shall consist of five -5- to nine -9- board members.
  2. Board members are elected for a period of two -2- years. For the purpose of continuity, 50% of the board are on election each year.
  3. Board members elect their positions. One board member shall be appointed as Chair of ISOC Norway Chapter.
  4. The Board is responsible to keep the accounting in accordance with Norwegian regulation and practice.
  5. The Board shall report to the Internet Society in accordance with their bylaws and requirement.
  6. Any Board motion is carried by simple majority. The Board has a quorum when 3 board members are present.
  7. a) The Chair and one board member can sign for the organization.
    b) The Chair is procurist alone.

Article 7: Dissolution of ISOC Norway

  1. Dissolution of this Chapter by consent of the members shall consist of unanimous agreement of all board members together with a majority vote at a meeting which has been publicized in accordance with Article 4.5 in advance to all members of the Chapter for the purpose of taking this vote.
  2. Should this Chapter be dissolved, its assets shall be transferred to the Internet Society.
  3. The article covering Dissolution of ISOC Norway Chapter cannot be changed.
Vedtatt på årsmøte, 13. mars 2024.


PDF version of the bylaws