Archive for the ‘ISOC’ Category

Er din ISOC e-post adresse oppdatert?

Vi sender jevnlig ut et nyhetsbrev basert på den registrerte e-post adresse som er angitt i ditt medlemsskap i ISOC. Dessverre ser vi at flere e-post adresser feiler. Kanskje på tide å sjekke hvilken adresse du har i systemet? Du gjør dette på

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ISOC Norge: Årsrapport 2013-2014

For årsmøtet 2. september 2014 Årsrapport for perioden juni 2013-august 2014 finner du her:

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The Gathering 2014

Salve J. Nilsen, styremedlem i ISOC Norge, holdt en presentasjon av hva Internet Society gjør internasjonalt og nasjonalt. Presentasjonen finner du her (PDF-fil, 1,8 Mb)

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Internet Technical Advisory Committee Applauds Revised OECD Privacy Guidelines

[Paris – 10 September 2013] — Yesterday, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) formally launched the adoption of the revised Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data. The Internet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) to the OECD congratulates the OECD on this announcement, which marks the next evolution of…

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Internet Society Responds to Reports of the U.S. Government’s Circumvention of Encryption Technology

The Internet Society is alarmed by continuing reports alleging systematic United States government efforts to circumvent Internet security mechanisms. The Internet Society President and CEO, Lynn St. Amour, said, “If true, these reports describe government programmes that undermine the technical foundations of the Internet and are a fundamental threat to the Internet’s economic, innovative, and…

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