“Multistakeholderism in the Transnational Private Regulation of the Internet” av Tobias Mahler

Årsmøtet i 2019 i Internet Society | Norway Chapter (ISOC Norge) åpner med et foredrag av Professor Tobias Mahler, om «Multistakeholderism», også kalt «alle skal med modellen». Dette er styringsmodellen som brukes av ICANN, IGF og andre internettorganisasjoner.

Professsor Tobias Mahler ved UiO

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Om Tobias Mahler (klikk på navnet for fullstendig CV fra Universitetet i Oslo):

Tobias Mahler teaches law at the faculty of law at the University of Oslo. He is a professor at the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), specializing in information and communications technology law.

His research is highly interdisciplinary, primarily combining legal research with computer science. His research interests cover a broad range of legal issues arising in the context of :

(i) Robots, particularly with artificial intelligence capabilities.
(ii) Internet Governance (especially the Domain Name System).
(iii) Cybersecurity and privacy.

This focus on legal issues is complemented with research interests in legal informatics more closely related to computer science. The latter line of research has focused on software applications for legal practice, such as, legal risk management and visual representations of legal reasoning.

He holds a PhD from the University of Oslo, an LLM degree in legal informatics from the University of Hannover, and a German law degree (first state exam). He has practised law in Norway as corporate lawyer in the automotive industry, primarily working with international commercial contracts. He teaches primarily robot regulation, cybersecurity regulation, legal tech and artificial intelligence, as well as Norwegian and German law of obligations. He is the deputy director of the NRCCL and the director of the centre’s LLM programme.